errorlocate 1.1.1
CRAN release: 2023-09-30
- Fix for R 4.3.2:
, but now it isFALSE
errorlocate 1.0.0
CRAN release: 2022-03-31
Fixed a nasty bug in which variable names are mangled by lpsolveAPI, depending on the seed / added random noise. Thanks to Patrick Driessens
, which helps in specifying detailed weights for recordsRemoved a bug:
was ignored inreplace_errors
errorlocate 0.9.9
CRAN release: 2021-05-03
Added support for Inf weights, thanks to Guido van den Heuvel.
Improved default setting of solver
epsd = 1e-12
provides better numerical stability.Too aggressive presolve default for lpSolveAPI (c(“rows”, “cols”)) (issue #34) , switching back to presolve=“rows”. Thanks to Sander Scholtus.
errorlocate 0.9.8
CRAN release: 2021-02-01
Added parallel processing options, resulting in speed and memory consumption improvements. (also for
).simple ratio’s are taken into account and rewritten into linear rules:
cost/turnover > 0.6
will be rewritten intocost > 0.6 * turnover
.bug fix issue #31: when a record was invalid, but all rules involving the invalidation contained missing variables, the record was skipped by errorlocate.
Bug fix for issue #30: when a value >= 1e7 was encountered, all fields were flagged erroneous. Thanks to Garðar Páll Gíslason.
Bug fix for log1p, log10 function approximation.
In long running
sessions, the mip solver returned for some records a numerical instability error code. Seems to be an instability in lpSolve. Resubmitting same record does return a solution. When a numerical instability in lpSolve is reported a record is try again. When this fails, it is saved in mps format to the temporary directory (with a warning).
errorlocate 0.5.1
CRAN release: 2020-11-27
- Better name generation for soft linear equality constraints
- Only values of the data.frame that are used in the constraints are added to the matrix.
- Fix for issue #25, when a variable contains only one category. Thanks to @nickforr.
- Fix/warning for issue #27, using an integer variable for categories. Thanks to Jeffrey Hoogland for reporting.
- Fix for handling NA logical values (issue #29).
- Added status and duration info to
. Thanks to Sander Scholtus - Improved progress bar, showing percentage and taking into account records without errors
- added
function, allowing for an in depth examination of the mip translation and execution. Making it easier to debug/find what is wrong with a record / rule set - experimental functionality for log transformed variables, can be switched on with
options(errorlocate.allow_log = TRUE)
. This makes it possible to formulate constraintstotal_salary >= min_salary * n_employees
aslog(total_salary) >= log(min_salary) + log(n_employees)
errorlocate 0.4
CRAN release: 2020-09-29
- Implemented optimization, only invalid records are now treated. Can greatly enhance processing time! Thanks to Jos de Waard.
- Fixed issue #21, thanks to Sander Scholtus: strict equalities
- Fixed issue #22, thanks to Sander Scholtus: missing columns in data.
- Fixed issue #23, “ ==”” FALSE in if clause was handled incorrectly.